Saturday, July 5

Spending time with my friends from campus got me thinking of the rest of the souls that inhabited our school that I've had the privilege of meeting this past year. I realize that everyone of our generation lies. Not saying that my companions are filthy liars per se, but the fact is that most of us lie because we are never heard. It has reached the point that it is easier to lie so as to move on with our lives. I too have the habit of lying or avoiding as much as I can the unveiling of truth which for most is beyond our function to comprehend at this point of our lives. Well, doesn't that just suck that nobody's honest anymore? Well, that's where the point of this entry comes in. The root of it all is really the feeling of not being heard. There is a desperate need to change this. Have courage. Speak your mind and mean it. Truth may be scary at times but how long will you choose to cower? You have only one life, why not live it as free. As for me, I'd like to think of myself as a liberal person to not waver from any topic of conversation, not neglecting situational tact of course. So fellow strangers, if you ever need, a listening ear, to speak your truth or just about nothing at all....i'm here. Talk. I'm listening.

"If you need me, call me.
no matter where you are,
no matter how far.
Just call my name,
and i'll be there in a hurry,
you don't have to worry,
cos baby there
ain't no mountain high enough....."
you know how it goes.