She waits, unwittingly imagining what could have been. They've been playing the game for too long even before it became serious. Teasing and hinting profusely, oblivious to the world beyond them both. But for every step she took forward, he took one back. And when he was the one who made the move, she only responded with hesitation. "Why?" is the question that rings in her mind.Was the chemistry not right? No, they were a perfect combination. Even her friends thought so. She could easily recall the time when they bickered over something so insignificant in front of Becky, her best girlfriend. "My God! You two argue so much, you sound married!" she said. A smile crept across her face, though only a short-lived one. Why then has their relationship come to such an edge, to a point of ultimatum. Here she is at the bus station awaiting a sign from the heavens. Isn't this how it works? Fate will wait for the last minute until when the bus pulls up for her to leave before he arrives, rescuing with hugs and kisses to a life happily ever after. Just like in the movies...
Seconds seem like hours. Everyone around her moves so slowly, seemingly punishing her for all the sins committed through her life. "It's better this way," that was what he said, before leaving her in tears on her porch swing. How can it be better? Weren't they in love? Or was it a simple infatuation?
The gate opens, female voice speaks, "Attention to all passengers..." She waits, frozen feet rooted, facing the large the large entrance to the station. The last call jerked her from solitude. She couldn't wait any longer, any more. Her steps were slow and unwilling, kept her looking over her shoulder. Eyes red and sore, she could not shed another tear.
As the bus horned into existence and out onto the road, her pale face planted to the glass, still focused, scanning the crowd for an invisible man. "It's better this way," resounded in her thoughts.
Minutes pass before he stands up from his seat. Cap worn low, covering the glitter of sadness in his eyes. With steady strides, he leaves into the night, regret with every step.
Fantastical by M. Rushdy